The journey of Grand Chemical Works started in the early 1940’s and by overcoming challenge after challenge completing diverse necessities of our customers and uncompromising the quality of our products has today, reached a broader prospective of PAN INDIA Recognition and distribution, modern trading and exports.
This prospective have been possible with our motto : “Being there where the consumer is”
And with the vision : “To continue to make a Healthier World through reliable and economical GAINDA phenyle”
By health, it does not mean mere absence of disease, but being able to lead a fit and happy life. As it is said “Prevention is better than cure” so absence of germs is the key goal which can be achieved by GAINDA brand products.
Our brand attributes to best quality, better packaging and better brand promotion.
Also the support of our esteemed consumer cannot be dismissed as their continued patronage and sureness in our brand motivates us to outspread the best of services and enables us to provide value for their money. Thus, we are dedicated to total customer satisfaction by identification of their specific needs and transforming them into Quality products.
Our goals cannot be achieved without our strength - the Employees - who are continuously involved in attaining the Company's objectives and without whom our future hopes and aspirations cannot be fulfilled.
~ Mr. Akash Arora
Director, Grand Chemical Works